

Most people in the United States are exposed to geographic education only at the elementary 学校的水平. As a result, there is a widespread misconception that 地理位置 is limited to boring memorization of locations of countries, states, capital cities, major physical 地标及出口产品. The truth is that modern geography is an exciting science producing research of great value to government interests, planning agencies, and 私营企业.


索耶-树和学生The term geographer is rarely used either in the title or description of career positions, but geography majors possess unique analytical skills that enable them to succeed in a remarkable range of occupations. Employers welcome the geographer’s comprehensive knowledge of natural and social sciences coupled with his/her distinctive understanding 空间模式. There is a high demand in business, industry, and government for geographers with training in physical geography, human geography, and geographic 信息科学(GIS). 

自然地理学家 study weather, climate, water and coastal processes, plant and animal distributions, landforms, soils, and natural hazards. Their objective is to improve the understanding of the way the environment operates, both naturally and in response to human-induced changes. 自然地理学家 evaluate the potential of natural resources, make environmental impact assessments, monitor environmental change, map exotic species expansion, and determine the risks of harm from natural hazards such as storms, volcanic eruptions, 山体滑坡和洪水. 

人类地理学家 examine economic, social and political dimensions of the landscape. 他们研究人口, agriculture, industry, tourism, cities, transportation networks, migrations, commodity flows, political units, and behavioral patterns. Their objective is to improve our understanding of how people use the land and help plan more rational uses of natural resources that will benefit society while protecting the environment from excessive 恶化. 

Both physical and human geographers direct their attention toward two fundamental 研究问题: 




毕业砂浆板- GEOA Geographer may work in the private or public sector as a:

  • 人口统计学家
  • 交通分析
  • 制图师
  • geographic information systems analyst
  • 市场研究
  • 旅游咨询师
  • 房地产开发商
  • 资源分析
  • 环境顾问
  • surveyor
  • 遥感专家
  • 高中教师
  • 位置研究分析员
  • 城市/区域规划师
  • 交通规划师
  • 公园管理员
  • 土壤保育人士
  • 土地测量员
  • 管理分析师
  • 废物管理协调员
  • 大学教授
  • 文化事务经理

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